St Clair

St Clair, South Australia, 5011

  ranked 77 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
St ClairSt ClairSt ClairSt Clair
Aggregate Data of St Clair
Postal code: 5011 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Woodville Park
Woodville South
Woodville West
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 77 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population density:
Distance to CBD: 9.1 km
Average level of education:
Median yearly personal income:
Median weekly personal income:
Median weekly family income:
Median weekly household income:
St Clair suburbs nearby
Cheltenham 5014
Woodville 5011
Albert Park 5014
Woodville North 5012
Woodville South 5011
Woodville West 5011
Hendon 5014
Pennington 5013
Alberton 5014
Updated: 2019-05-01 10:24:29